Today Home Invasions Are almost never 1 person. This video shows what today's criminals are doing. It will not be 1 on 1 like out-of-touch Democrats think. This is why the AR15 and high-capacity magazines are so relevant and important.
Kieler Militia Supply is here to educate the masses on their rights and help shed light on firearms. We are here to support the "Unorganized Militia" and "Organized Militia". --“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Thursday, September 21, 2023
13-Year-Old Shoots Home Intruder After Taking Gun From Hesitant Mother In Phoenix AZ
13-Year-Old Shoots Home Intruder After Taking Gun From Hesitant Mother In Phoenix AZ
Friday, September 15, 2023
Thursday, September 14, 2023
‘NoVax’ Novak Djokovic Wins Moderna-Sponsored U.S. Open; Country Music Star John Rich Tells The Country Truth; Are all COVID Variants Man-made?; Was Every Omicron Variant Man-made?; Africa: The Accidental COVID Experiment; Member of European Parliament, Christine Anderson Speaks Out Against The Threat of The W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty in the European Union; The Launch of ICAN LegislateGuests: John Rich, Christine Anderson, Aaron Siri, Esq.
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Glenn Beck GOES OFF on the new ATF "dealer" Rule... Resistance is going mainstream in EPIC example..
Glenn Beck GOES OFF on the new ATF "dealer" Rule... Resistance is going mainstream in EPIC example..
Saturday, September 9, 2023
New Mexico Governor Suspends The Constitution With An "Emergency Order"
New Mexico Governor Suspends The Constitution With An "Emergency Order"
This Governor should immediately be impeached based on her comments. She and no one else has the authority or right to suspend constitutional rights.
Gun Store Steals Legally possessed Firearm from Citizen
Gun Store Steals Legally possessed Firearm from Citizen
The gun shop steals the customer's gun and rats him out to the ATF - when he did nothing wrong!
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Liberty Safes Betraying customer Privacy
Liberty Safe's Betraying customer Privacy
ANOTHER HUGE LAWSUIT WAS WON against Meagan Wolfe & the Wisconsin Election Commission ("WEC").
ANOTHER HUGE LAWSUIT WAS WON against Meagan Wolfe & the Wisconsin Election Commission ("WEC").
As @PeterBernegger published last year, Meagan Wolfe had a secret PO Box in Madison WI, where she received illegal voter registration applications. They were so as they failed to comply with mandatory state statutes. Wolfe also failed to promulgate the mandatory Chapter 227 rulemaking on this issue - showing, again and again, the absolute failure of Meagan Wolfe.
The lawsuit Braun v WEC was filed last year and the big win came today. It was Wolfe who illegally did this all, she snuck the "approval" into the election clerks' manual on Sept. 20, 2020. Upwards to 250,000 people were illegally registered before the Nov.3rd 2020 election using this junk form.
Where is the RNC?
Massive election fraud right under their noses. How are you going to remove the 250,000 @robinvos from the statewide voter list? Everyone ask Vos this question.
From Decision 👇
WEC claims, without evidentiary foundation, that the National Form was
approved by a prior election agency at some point in the past. Mr. Braun challenged WEC to
produce any evidence that WEC had approved the National Form and WEC produced no
evidence showing approval. WEC attempts feebly to rely upon the affidavit of Mr. Kevin
Kennedy, the election agency administrator for the prior two state elections agencies, but Mr.
Kennedy as the former chief administrator of elections in this state for nearly thirty-three years
can not provide any credible evidence as to where, when, or how the National Form was
approved. Certainly, Mr. Kennedy offers no evidence that WEC approved the National Form as
is required by Wis. Stat. § 6.33. WEC was not an extension of the previous state election
agencies, but a new creation by the State Legislature with a governing structure completely
difference than previous entities.
As an administrative agency created by statute, WEC has no independent authority beyond that which can be found in the Wisconsin
Statutes. See, e.g., Martinez v. Dep't of Indus., Lab. & Hum. Rels., 165 Wis. 2d 687, 697, 478
N.W.2d 582 (1992) (“We have long recognized that administrative agencies are creations of the
legislature and that they can exercise only those powers granted by the legislature.”). WEC was empowered by the State Legislature to administer Wisconsin’s election laws and then directed WEC to exercise that power by prescribing the voter registration forms which are accepted for
use in this State. WEC has failed in this most basic duty by allowing the National Form to be used in Wisconsin where WEC has never actually proscribed its use.
Braun v. WEC Decision on Scribd
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
New FRT Court Decision and Change in Machine Gun Definition
New FRT Court Decision and Change in Machine Gun Definition
FBI Caught Lying! Concealed Carries Stop Active Shooters Far More Often Than Government Admits!
FBI Caught Lying! Concealed Carries Stop Active Shooters Far More Often Than Government Admits!
Monday, September 4, 2023
Biden Administration Coming after Gun Powder and Undermining National Security
Biden Administration Coming after Gun Powder and Undermining National Security
This is an attack on all home ammunition re-loaders and an attempt to build yet another database on 2A related items. There is no Sugar Coating this Unconstitutional attempt to come after regular law abiding citizens.

Saturday, September 2, 2023
AMAZING! Judge Rules Law Barring 18-20 Year-Olds From Buying Handguns Is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!
AMAZING! Judge Rules Law Barring 18-20 Year-Olds From Buying Handguns Is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!
New ATF Rule comes for Everyone with Guns. THIS IS A MUST WATCH!!! This is insane. Contact your politicians immediately. What I see out i...
T-Mobile Tyranny Coming in January 2024 Contact your politicians this is a violation of privacy and should be pushed to Antitrust Hearings....
BREAKING: Polymer80 Closes After Being Sued Out Of Business