Kieler Militia Supply is here to educate the masses on their rights and help shed light on firearms. We are here to support the "Unorganized Militia" and "Organized Militia". --“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788


P80 PF940 Build

P80 PF940 Build
Glock 17 G3 Parts used for build
Custom ported barrel and slide used.
Standard Glock lower parts kit.


Polymer 80 Pf 940 Instructions by Keith Lovely

Lower receiver Assembly video

First I started with the Jig securing by drilling in a spot that would not impact the receiver and bolting the frame keeping things secure and positioned at all times. 

From there I started filing the forward section. I did not use the milling bit provided instead I used a large file to remove material. I also used a knife to carve out the slide spring area. 

Parts laid out. 

This is a beautifully already assembled slide and ported barrel that was on Brownell's Black Friday Sale. 

Next step was to drill the pin holes required carefully. I used my benchtop drill press for this.
MY multi axis clamp was not wide enough for milling work so I didn't even bother milling with it. 

For cutting the top slot I used my router and regular device and carefully followed the lower side of the slot provided as instructions instructed. It was a quick cut on both sides and this still leaves enough material to hand file down during fitting procedures. The slot here just gives you a starting point. Rest was by hand. 

After this final cut the jig will be removed for all the final fitting and building of the P80 Pistol "AKA ghost Glock" <-- made up term to scare people by the gun control nut bags. 

From here there is a lot of filing and test fitting. 

During this process be sure to clean and lube as you go. 

Slowly working to the perfect fitment. 

Things to know on Glock G17 Gen3 and newer glock mags.

The final phase of this project will be test firing, so stay tuned for those range results.

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