Kieler Militia Supply is here to educate the masses on their rights and help shed light on firearms. We are here to support the "Unorganized Militia" and "Organized Militia". --“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788


Monday, April 26, 2021

Just Say No for Matthew McConaughey running as Texas Governor!

 Just Say No for Matthew McConaughey running as Texas Governor!

This is what we meant about if you move to Texas don't bring your California Politics there.

Matthew McConaughey is against your bill of rights. You heard from his own lips. Don't support people that go against your constitutional rights. 

Stay Pro 2nd Amendment and if you want to know what the 2nd Amdendment is about then visit this page. 

If you would like to know about the Title 10 Section 246 visit:

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