Kieler Militia Supply is here to educate the masses on their rights and help shed light on firearms. We are here to support the "Unorganized Militia" and "Organized Militia". --“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788


Thursday, September 22, 2022

Head out to Firearms Policy Coalition and GOA to contact Politicians on Current Bills

Head out to Firearms Policy Coalition and GOA to contact Politicians on Critical Bills

Please donate and support these organization and their efforts to fight and defend our constitutional rights.

Firearms Policy Coalition

With legislative sessions across the country and in Congress kicking off for the year, stay tuned to for the latest bills affecting your fundamental rights! 


Bill/Issue: "Assault Weapons" Ban (H.R.1808)

  • Position: Oppose
  • Authors: Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) 
  • Summary: Another assault weapons ban is being considered (H.R. 1808) by Congress. The House Judiciary Committee is pushing a markup on this bill on July 20th with the hope of pushing a House floor vote by the end of the month. 
  • Take Action Link 

Bill/Issue: ATF Improvement and Modernization Act (H.R. 8460)

  • Position: Oppose
  • Authors: Rep. Donald S. Beyer Jr. (D-VA)
  • Summary: A bill that allows for the establishment of a national gun registry. Removes funding caps on ATF expenses and salaries.   
  • Take Action Link

Bill/Issue: Responsible Gun Ownership Licensing Act (H.R. 8534)

  • Position: Oppose
  • Author: Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ)
  • Summary: A bill that adds a licensing requirement to purchase and possess firearms, mandates firearm registration, and allows for confiscation if license is revoked. 
  • Take Action Link

Bill/Issue: "Disarm IRS Part 2" (H.R. 8762)

  • Position: Support
  • Authors: Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC)
  • Summary: Another bill aimed at preventing the IRS from purchasing, possessing, training with, or using firearms and ammunition. 
  • Take Action Link 

Bill/Issue: RETURN our Constitutional Rights Act (H.R. 8167)

  • Position: Support
  • Author: Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA)
  • Summary: Removes the 11% excise tax on firearms and ammo; Removes the NFA tax.
  • Take Action Link

Bill/Issue: Disarm the IRS Act (H.R. 8268)

  • Position: Support
  • Author: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL)
  • Summary: A bill to prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from acquiring ammunition.
  • Take Action Link

Gun Owners of America 

User the filter at GOA Action section for federal and state to assist in finding relevant materials 

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