Kieler Militia Supply is here to educate the masses on their rights and help shed light on firearms. We are here to support the "Unorganized Militia" and "Organized Militia". --“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788


Saturday, September 3, 2022

Rinos that Violated their Oath of Office and went against our contitutional rights


Oath Violators that betrayed the Citizens they represent and went against the republic's constitutional Rights:

#Roy Blunt of Missouri
#Richard Burr of North Carolina
#Shelley Moore Captio of West Virginia
#Bill Cassidy of Louisiana 
#Susan Collins of Maine
#John Cornyn of Texas
#Joni Ernst of Iowa
#Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
#Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
#Rob Portman of Ohio
#Mitt Romney of Utah
#Thom Tillis of North Carolina 
#Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania
#Todd Young of Indiana

These people are all traitors of our Constitutional Republic. They have violated their oath of office to protect our constitutional rights. Rights put in place to restrict government not the citizens of the republic.

Each one of these people should be impeached for attacking our Rights and Liberties.

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