Kieler Militia Supply is here to educate the masses on their rights and help shed light on firearms. We are here to support the "Unorganized Militia" and "Organized Militia". --“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788


Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Scary Toxin Causing Brain Damage & Disease - Warning Signs You May Have Mold In Your Home!

 A Scary Toxin Causing Brain Damage & Disease - Warning Signs You May Have Mold In Your Home!

We know that environmental toxins in our air and water can cause chronic disease. Mold is one of those deadly toxins, and exposure can cause symptoms that can’t be explained by traditional testing or by doctors who are unfamiliar with how symptoms may present themselves. Those suffering exposure can often feel hopeless and unsupported.

In addition, there is often no accountability for the experts or individuals who either intentionally or negligently caused the mold exposure. Today’s guest hopes to change that. Today on The Dhru Purohit Podcast, Dhru sits down with attorney Kristina Baehr about her family's personal experience with toxic mold and their journey to seek justice for the emotional, medical, and financial damages they suffered. Kristina shared what she learned about their symptoms, how her home had become a toxic bubble, and the lack of accountability on each party involved in the home building and inspection process. Kristina also shares why she started her law firm and made it her mission to help individuals suffering from exposure to environmental toxins, and discusses the facts of the Red Hill case in Hawaii, where military families were exposed to water contaminated with jet fuel. Kristina Baehr is a national trial lawyer representing sick people against the companies that made them sick. She founded Just Well Law to help clients recover financially to rebuild their health and lives. Kristina is also a former Assistant US Attorney and represented the United States in civil actions, including catastrophic personal injury. In this episode, Dhru and Kristina dive into: -The epidemic of chronic disease caused by water and mold and the cover-up efforts -What Kristina and her family learned about mold -How Kristina’s house became toxic, causing her family symptoms and permanent damage -Accountability through the legal process -Status quo, conspiracy, and lack of accountability -The verdict in Kristina’s family’s case -The team that helped Kristina discover her diagnosis -Kristina’s commitment to paying it forward and starting Just Well law -The symptoms families in Hawaii faced after ingesting jet fuel -Why the government chose to protect itself rather than protecting military families -Lack of responsibility and passing the buck in the Red Hill matter -Kristina’s practice and the types of cases she focuses on For more on Kristina Baehr: -Instagram @justwelllaw -Facebook @justwelllaw

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